Typographic Layout for The Jungle Book


This was a self-initiated project with the objective to take the story of The Jungle Book (copy used from Project Gutenberg) and format it into an easy-to-read PDF with a clickable table of contents and / or upload it to a site that makes animated PDF flip-books.

In addition to styling the typographic layout, the other objective was to use generative AI (Midjourney) to create a cover for the book. I believe using new technologies is crucial to keeping up with the times. AI will only replace those of us who don’t know how to use it.

Last, I also used ChatGPT to generate the synopsis on the back cover. I prompted ChatGPT several times until I was provided with a synopsis I felt was perfect for this project.

The Cover

I prompted Midjourney several times to create a variety of styles, but I found that the one I liked most was the original photographic style that was generated. However, I wasn’t fond of the fact that he was wearing shoes and a necklace, so I used Photoshop Beta’s generative fill to remove the necklace. I couldn’t successfully remove the shoes. If you’ve ever used generative AI, you know that it struggles with generating human digits properly (fingers and toes) - this was the case for me. I zoomed out of the original image that Midjourney generated and, again, used Photoshop Beta’s generative fill to extend the image horizontally so that it would create an image that could be wrapped around the entire book (front and back covers) continuously. The final cover image can be seen below.

Final Layout

The Jungle Book table of contents mockup
The Jungle Book chapter 1 full spread mockup

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